Future activities
- Kayak tours
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Our location
For all interested
Kayak tours
Koster with Helsingborgskanotisterna
(The link opens the page in a new window) |
Sweden |
2007 |
Åland & south Åboland archipelagos |
Finland |
2007 |
Copenhagen city with Helsingborgskanotisterna
(The link opens the page in a new window) |
Denmark |
2007 |
Fjällbacka archipelago in Bohuslän
with Helsingborgskanotisterna
(The link opens the page in a new window) |
Sweden |
2006 |
Åland & Åboland archipelagos
Finland |
2006 |
Mølleån |
Denmark |
2006 |
Helsingør |
Denmark |
2006 |
Kullaberg |
Sweden |
2005 |
Bornholm |
Denmark |
2005 |
Lofoten &
Vesterålen |
Norway |
2005 |
Copenhagen city |
Denmark |
2005 |
Hallands Väderö |
Sweden |
2005 |
Stockholm outer archipelago |
Sweden |
2004 |
Sibbo - Helsinki archipelago |
Finland |
2004 |
Copenhagen city |
Denmark |
2004 |
Faroe Islands |
Faroe Islands
(Denmark) |
2003 |
Sognefjord |
Norway |
2002 |
Södermanland archipelago |
Sweden |
2001 |
Stockholm city |
Sweden |
2000 .. 2001 |
Stockholm archipelago |
Sweden |
2000 .. 2001 |
Åland archipelago |
Finland |
2000 .. 2004 |
Around Skåne (Scania) |
Sweden |
1999 |
Bohuslän archipelago |
Sweden |
1998, 2002 .. 2004 |
Misterhult archipelago |
Sweden |
1998 .. 2004 |
St.Anna & Gryt archipelagos |
Sweden |
1996 .. 2004 |
Västervik archipelago |
Sweden |
1992, 1995, 1998, 2000 |